This is Collingham: Week 2 -The Natural History Museum

Today classes have been preparing for this week's trip to The Natural History Museum!

The Natural History Museum houses over 70 million life and earth science specimens within five main collections: Botany, Entomology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology and Zoology.

The museum is particularly famous for its exhibition of dinosaur skeletons, and ornate architecture — and is sometimes called therefore, A Cathedral of Nature

Today Kinga's, Becca's, Susanne's and Becky's class have all trotted off to the museum in search of adventure.

Becca's classes have gone to see the gruesome Animal Inside Out exhibition which allows visitors to strip away the flesh and travel on an anatomical safari of the natural world. (apparently)

Susanne's classes have gone to see the fantastic Scott's Last Expedition exhibition

The exhibition's focus is on the everyday stories and activities of the people who took part in a 3 year journey to the South Pole, their scientific work and unforgettable human endurance.

Kinga's classes visited an outdoor wildlife photo exhibition which housed spectacular photographs like this:

and this:

and Becky's classes were focusing on mammals:

Students will use what they have learnt on their trip throughout this week and then present their final projects to the rest of the student body on Friday.

This is Collingham: over and out.
