Goodbyes and Week 4 Presentation Day Highlights

Time has flown so fast this summer that it is very difficult to believe that Week 4 has just come to a close here at Discovery Summer Collingham. This week we had to say goodbye to many of our students - some of whom had been with us for the entire 4 weeks that we have been open. Here are photos of some of the students who have left us along with their families:

Sadly, we had to say goodbye to a very special student. Daniil  has been a student with us since our opening 4 weeks ago. It has been a pleasure to watch Daniil progress over the past few weeks. Both his English and his confidence have improved immensely and we wish him all the best!

We also had to say goodbye to the Sarizeybek family who were with us for 2 weeks.

Here is a picture of Aituar who, along with his sister Ayanat had been with us for 3 weeks! 

We hope that all of our students made the most of their Discovery Summer experience and we would like to wish all of our students who have left this week the best with their future studies. We hope to see many familiar faces return next year!

We also had another week of fantastic presentations all based on the theme of Science and Technology inspired by our visit to the Science Museum earlier on in the week.

Tania's class performed a hilarious sketch of "Bogus Doctors"

Rory and Alvin's classes showcased some of their wacky inventions and explained the advantages of them.

Luca gave us a surprise with his impressive dancing in the style of the late and great Michael Jackson.

We also must congratulate these five students, Stefaniia, Giulia, Aituar, Benedetta and Illarion for collecting the maximum number of stickers available during their time here at school. Stickers are awarded for special displays of good behaviour and learning such as learning a new skill or setting a great example. Congratulations to them all!
